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Joensuun kaupunki
City of Joensuu is a municipality (public body) located in Eastern Finland, with surface area of 2571km^2 and population of 76000 people, of which 28600 are 29 years or younger. The city has about 3000 employees. According to Youth Act, the municipalities are responsible for organising youth work. In Joensuu this is done by the Youth services unit, which has about 25 employees, most of them trained Youth workers or Youth coordinators. The Youth services produces all kinds of activities for young people (under 29 years of age), the main customer segment being youngsters of 10-21 years. We operate 9 youth cafes all over the municipality, organising different types of activities, including open youth work, targeted social youth work etc. The Youth services works in co- operation with the schools and training institutions in the region. The work focuses in open youth work, with emphasis on preventive work. In addition to this, we do targeted youth work with small groups and Outreach youth work. The nature of our work gives us a good possibility to organise different types of activities with the youth, such as canoeing, climbing and hiking. During the holiday seasons we organise different types of events, as well as camps and excursions. There are about 15 different camps and 10 events organised per year. The city of Joensuu also supports youth organisations annually in organising activities for the youth. These organisations, such as the Scouts and 4H groups support the Youth services activities with their special skills and knowledge. Youth services also works in cooperation with the local congregations especially in organising in-service training.

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