IO1 - Razvoj usluga za mlade temeljen na podacima
Output 1 is about piloting the Youth Card service with all partner organizations, and collecting information from within the regional organizations and from the young people, to ensure the Youth card supports the data acquisition and youth work processes in the planned scenarios.
The Output will be carried out in a series of four Tasks:
- Piloting in Partner countries
- Collecting Feedback and Research for Best practice models
- Activating Youth; each implementing partner to test methods for activating youth
- Creating Train the Trainer – manual
The partners have planned the following Locations and Activities for implementing Output 1:
- JOENSUU will pilot the development activities with 8 Youth cafes run by the City Youth Services
- LOUSADA will pilot the card with youth cafes (maybe 4 or 5) , swimming pool, CIR Museum, and in some of the Local Shops.
- MEDJIMURJE COUNTY is the founder of Students Dorm which accommodates secondary school pupils from the region (from in and outside our county). Youth Card piloting is planned with those young people to see how they participate in social life.
- AKLUB runs a network of clubs for young people at risk of social exclusion together with other local organisations and schools. This net of youth clubs is located in Krnov. The mission of the network is to help young people with school homework and improving performance at school and also with spending leisure time with meaningful activities. Pilot testing of the Youth card will be performed in this network.
- JKPEV starts piloting the Youth card in all its own events and workshops.In addition, JKPeV will invite some of the organisations of Kulturbu?ro Dresden to pilot the youth card.
Within Output 2, the Youth Card Ecosystem is opened to other stakeholders in the partner regions. If you are working in the sector and would like to join us, read more and don't hesitate to contact your local partner organisation!