IO3 - Youth Card platform development
Output 3 - the Youth Card Platform development output is the technical manifestation of the innovative youth work and youth support processes this project creates.
In the first set-up phase (Task 1) the access to the Youth Card ecosystem is arranged for all partner organisations.
In the following development work (Task 2) the tool is refined to provide added value based on the information it collects to all stakeholders involved - the Public bodies and institutions financing youth work, the professionals working with the youth, and the young people themselves.
Task 3 connects the Youth Card ecosystem to the LogBook, bringing automation to collecting evidences as part of the qualitative evaluation of Youth work. This will save time of the people working with young people but also enable user-initiated collection of qualitative data to support the self assessment done by youth workers.
Task 4 creates a mobile application - which is the format the young people nowadays prefer over a mobile optimized web page on their smart phones - to streamline the processes that form the backbone of this ecosystem; finding Activities, logging visits to them, displaying active Benefits and giving feedback.
By logging visits end-users can gain points and achievements which can be rewarded. Application can also work as a safe short-time data storage for Youth workers managing Activities to inform them of special requirements of the Activity Participants.
You can find the local Youth Card platforms following the links below:
CROATIA / MEĐIMURJE: https://medimurje.youthcard.eu/
CZECH REPUBLIC / OPAVA: https://www.youthcard.cz/
FINLAND / JOENSUU: https://www.nuortenjoensuu.fi
GERMANY / DRESDEN: https://dresden-youthcard.de/
PORTUGAL / LOUSADA: http://lousada.youthcard.pt/